Account configuration
  • 11 Jun 2024
  • 1 Minute to read

Account configuration

Article summary

Getting started

To start transacting with OrkestaPay you need to make a few of configurations first.

  1. Set up payment provider

  2. Configure orchestration route

Step 1: Set up payment provider

Enter the OrkestaPay portal and go to the "Providers" section, the main screen will show the list of providers that you already have configured or it will be empty if none have been set up yet.

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Register a new payment provider

To register a new provider, click on the "Add provider" button. A new screen will appear showing all the providers supported by OrkestaPay.

OrkestaPay (16)(1)

Click on the provider you wish to configure, enter the necessary data for its operation, and save the changes.

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Step 2: Configure orchestration route

Navigate to the “Smart Routing” menu option. In this section, you will see the payment methods you have configured by provider. For example, if you registered a card payment provider, the “Cards” payment method will initially appear in the “Not configured” tab.

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By clicking on the payment method, you can configure strategies with orchestration rules. To create a new strategy, click on the “Create new strategy” button.

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Enter the name of your strategy to continue setting up orchestration paths.

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For this example, select the "Payment Processor" option, choose the previously configured provider, and save your changes.

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This will be your default route, and all payments will go through this setting. You can always add more routes that have specific business rules. For more details, refer to the "Smart Routing" article.

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Finally, click on the “Save“ button, and then click on the “Publish“ button.

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