  • 20 Aug 2024
  • 1 Minute to read


Article summary


Orders are created when a user goes through the checkout process. Regardless of the status, these payment intents or completed payments will be reflected in this section.

To access this section, go to the “Orders” menu option. Here you will find a list of registered orders sorted by descending date. By default, you will see the following information in the list:

  • Date/Time

  • Amount

  • Order ID

  • Merchant Order ID

  • Payment ID

  • Provider

  • Status

  • Actions

OrkestaPay (35)

Order statuses

An order has an associated status, starting with “Created” and ideally ending with “Completed”. The following order statuses are used:

  • Created

  • Completed

  • Failed

  • Canceled

  • Expired

  • Partially paid

  • Processing payment

  • Action required

  • Patially refunded

  • Refunded


With this option, you can customize the Orders list by adding, removing, or rearranging columns according to your needs. The available fields include:

  • Date/Time

  • Customer Name

  • Customer Email

  • Amount

  • Order ID

  • Merchant Order ID

  • Payment ID

  • Payment Method

  • Promotions

  • Provider

  • Status

Order filtering

You can filter the order list based on the criteria we provide:

  • OrkestaPay Order ID

  • Merchant Order ID

  • Payment ID

  • Customer email

  • Status

  • Provider

  • Currency

  • Amount greater than or equal to

  • Amount less than or equal to

  • Date

OrkestaPay (36)


To export orders to a CSV file, click the “Export” button in the orders list. Then, select the time period and the data fields you want to include.

Available Data for Export:

  • Orders: Order Date, OrkestaPay Order ID, Merchant Order ID, Subtotal, Total Amount, Taxes, Status, Currency, Customer ID, Customer Email

  • Airline: PNR, Ancillaries

  • Payments: Payment Date, Payment ID, Amount, Currency, Promotions, Operation ID, Payment Type, Status, Provider Details, Authorization, Payment Method, Card Details, Bank Details

Once the export is complete, you will receive a notification email indicating that your file is now available in the “Downloads“ tab.

Order Information

To view the details of an order, click on the order of interest from the list. The order detail screen is divided into 6 main sections:

  • Order details

  • Timeline

  • Payment breakdown

  • Customer information

  • Products

  • Metadata

OrkestaPay (37)

Refunding an order

If you need to refund a payment for an order, you can do this from the order list or from the order detail. To do this from the order list, look for the action button under the “Actions” column.

OrkestaPay (38)

You can also refund from the order detail, where you will find the “Apply Refund” button in the “Order details” section.

OrkestaPay (39)

To finalize the refund process, a confirmation dialog will appear where a reason for the refund must be entered.

OrkestaPay (40)

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