

Nuestra API te notificará en caso de que ocurra un error al realizar cualquier solicitud a nuestro servicios.

Objeto Error

request_idstringIdentificador único de la petición.
categorystringTipo de error.
messagestringMensaje comprensible para humanos que proporciona detalles sobre el error. Este mensaje debe mostrarse al usuario y está disponible en inglés y español.
timestampstringIndica el momento en que ocurrió el error.
codestringCódigo corto que indica el error reportado.

Ejemplo de una respuesta de error

    "request_id": "664bec7ff960e690abcdb507afa50d28",
    "category": "ERROR",
    "message": "The URL to redirect the customer after the checkout is completed is required.",
    "timestamp": "1716251775442",
    "code": "BAD_REQUEST"

Códigos de error

Lista de posibles códigos de error.

CódigoError HTTPMensaje
BAD_REQUEST400The request is invalid, please check the request and try again.
INVALID_PARAMETERS400Some parameters have invalid values or format. Please refer to the documentation.
MISSING_PARAMETERS400Some required parameters are missing. Please refer to the documentation.
INVALID_STATUS400The current resource status does not allow this operation. Please refer to the documentation.
INVALID_TOKEN401Invalid token. Maybe it has expired or was revoked.
INVALID_CREDENTIALS401Invalid credentials. Please check your client id and secret.
AUTHORIZATION_REQUIRED403Authorization required, you do not have the required permissions to perform this operation.
METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED405The server does not implement the requested HTTP method.
RESOURCE_CONFLICT409Request cannot be processed as it conflicts with another request.
PRECONDITION_REQUIRED428Request cannot be processed because it does not meet a precondition.
UNAVAILABLE_PAYMENT_METHOD428The payment method is not available yet, check if you have configured it correctly.
RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND404Required resource not found, please contact support.
PAYMENT_NOT_FOUND404The payment_id does not exist.
CUSTOMER_NOT_FOUND404The customer_id does not exist.
ORDER_NOT_FOUND404The order_id does not exist.
CHECKOUT_NOT_FOUND404The checkout_id does not exist.
PAYMENT_METHOD_NOT_FOUND404The payment_method_id does not exist or is not available anymore. Maybe you created it using one_time_use=true.
GATEWAY_TIMEOUT500Provider timeout, please try again later.
SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE500Provider is temporarily unavailable, please try again later.
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR500Internal server error